Monthly Archives: October 2023

The immoral distortion of legal principles to justify Hamas atrocities

Hamas is US designated terrorist organization. Enforce 18 USC 2339. Hamas & supporters use sloganized euphemisms & prevarications of international law like terms ‘Occupation’ & ‘proportionality’ to fuel virulent Jew hatred.Israel is prosecuting a just war against evil Hamas. May it be triumphant. May G-d protect Israel, the IDF, the hostages and all of us and return the hostages and Israel’s valiant soldiers home safely. 

Moral Clarity: Hamas’ Atrocities Cannot Be Justified or Excused

Gaza is not occupied by Israel as a matter of law or fact. Hamas is a terrorist organization, with the avowed goal, enshrined in its Charter, of destroying Israel. It also espouses antisemitic and genocidal doctrines directed against the Jews. Peace should have been achieved when Israel fully withdrew from Gaza, in 2005. As the wise Charles Krauthammer, Z”L wrote, “…Israel evacuated Gaza completely. It declared the border between Israel and Gaza an international frontier. Gaza became the first independent Palestinian territory in history. Yet Gazans continued the war…Why? Because occupation was a mere excuse to persuade gullible and historically ignorant Westerners to support the Arab cause against Israel. The issue is, and has always been, Israel’s existence. That is what is at stake.” Hamas is a US designated Foreign Terrorist Organization & can’t provide it material support or resources(18 USC 2339). Moral clarity:Hamas’ atrocities can’t be justified or excused. Must eradicate evil Hamas & bring hostages home. G-d bless Israel & US.

Zion and Antisemitism

To deny the intimate link between Judaism and Jerusalem is to deny one of the most fundamental tenets of Judaism. To deny and try to sever this connection by advocating the destruction of…Israel is antisemitism.